Business America Services provides a United States mailing address.
Business America Services provides a United States physical address.
Business America Services manages American mail that is redirected to your Canadian address
American Legal Incorporation Service
If you are a Canadian or foreign company and would like to sell more products into the U.S. Market, there are many advantages to becoming Incorporated in the U.S.
Help is just a call away!
At Business America Services we will provide all the details you need to know about forming a company in the USA as a non-citizen, or as US citizen that lives outside the country.
Incorporating in the United States can increase your company’s credibility, and allow access to the US market and its investors.
If you are located outside the United States and wish to form a company in the US, then Business America Services can explain the entire process and show you exactly what you need. Note that “Incorporate” means to form a “Corporation” and “Form an LLC” means to form a “Limited Liability Company” (LLC).
To create a Corporation in the United States, Business America Services will file documents called “Articles of Incorporation” or “Certificate of Incorporation. The LLC version of these documents are called “Articles of Organization” or “Certificate of Organization” (these documents may have different names depending on which state you choose). Also, the word “entity” is used to describe a business that is not an individual, and can apply either to a Corporation or an LLC.
Business America Services offers:
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